This service understands that it must always act in an open and transparent way with service users and the people closely involved in their care. This is reflected in all of the service’s relationships with its users and others involved in their care and treatment.

 The service understands that it owes a duty of candour particularly when things go wrong with service users’ care and support and recognises that whenever an incident has occurred, which must be notified it must also carry out the following actions.

 The registered person, registered manager or a suitable person in authority acting on behalf of the registered person or registered provider will (in addition to notifying the Care Inspectorate):

  • Be open with the service user and other relevant persons about the incident.
  • Provide suitable support to the service user and others affected by the incident.
  • Explain directly and in person to the service user and / or their representatives exactly what has happened.
  • Apologise, for example express sorrow and regret for what has happened.
  • Say what is being done to investigate and learn the lessons from what has happened and further actions that might be taken.
  • Express the apology in writing.
  • Keep full records of the incident, including all associated correspondence and the actions that have been taken to carry out the duty of candour with the service user and/ or representatives.